Monday, December 2, 2013


Some of the questions of MOH Ayurveda exam which I appeared are given below. This has been put on, just as a guideline to MOH exam. I do not take any responsibility on this account.

Total marks : 100
Duration : 2hrs

Multiple choice questions                                                            Each carries 5 marks
Write T for True and F for False                                                                      Tor F
1.       Which of the following are the ingredients  in Avipathi choorna

(a)    Trikadu

(b)   Musta

(c)    Amalaki

(d)   Nagara

(e)   Hareethaki

2.       Which of the following are the ingredients in Chiruvilwadi Kashaya

(a)     Chiruvilwa

(b)    Punarnava

(c)     Vidanga

(d)    Abhaya

(e)    Nagara

3.       Peyadi krama is important in which panchakarma?

(a)    Vamana

(b)   Virechana

(c)    Nasya

(d)   Kashayavasti

(e)   Snehapana

4.       Which nerve is affected in carpel tunnel syndrome?

(a)    Brachial nerve

(b)   Ulnar nerve

(c)    Median nerve

(d)   Radial nerve

            (e)  All of the above

5.       Vitamin  D deficiency causes

(a)    Osteomalacia

(b)   Rickets

(c)    Low bone density

(d)   Arthrits

(e)   All of the above

6.       Line of treatment in Pakshagata

(a)    Snehana , swedana

(b)   Snehana , swedana ,  Kashayavasti

            (c)  Snehana , swedana , Shirovasti

            (d)  Snehana , swedana , Virechana

(e)   Vamana, virechana , Vasti

7.        Sadya asadyatha of  rakthapitta

(a)    Urdhwaga rakthapitta sadya

(b)   Adhoga rakthapitta   yapya

(c)    Ekadoshja rakthapitta yapya

(d)    Ubhayaja asadyam

(e)    All of the above

8.       Which of the following medicines used in Kushta

(a)    Mahathikthaka Kashaya

(b)   Vajraka Kashaya

(c)    Shonithaamrutham

(d)   Rasnerandadi Kashaya

(e)   Argwadadi Kashaya

9.       Lakshanas of Madhumeha

(a)    Aavila mootra

(b)   Madhuram

(c)    Talushosham

(d)   Medho dhusti

(e)   Jihwalepa

10.    Nidana of Vataraktha

(a)    Mithya ahara - Vihara

(b)   Viruddha

(c)    Vata , raktha dushti

(d)   Exposure to cold breeze

(e)   Vidhahi

   Write Short Notes on :                                                  Each question carries 10 marks
1.     Explain Nidana panchakas
2.     Line of Treatment of Vataraktha
3.     Explain Vamana
4.     Procedure of Shirovasti
5.     Explain Ashtasthana Pareeksha vidhi


  1. Thanks for your efforts dr. Rashmi

  2. Thanks for your efforts dr. Rashmi

  3. Thanks a tonne for the effort u put

  4. Hi i would liketo know about the experience needed for appearing Moh after Bams. Will they consider Pg periid as experience

  5. Hi i would liketo know about the experience needed for appearing Moh after Bams. Will they consider Pg periid as experience

  6. Sabyasachi SamantaJuly 7, 2017 at 10:47 PM

    Hi. I am planning to appear MOH exam for Ayurveda. Please let me know about the type of questions that come in the exam. Can i refer to any question bank/ books for a thorough preparation? Kindly help

  7. Nice Information provided in the blog
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    Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Senapati Bapat Road  pune.

  8. Qualification for moh exam for ayurvedic doctor in oman

  9. From which site we will get privious moh question Bank for Ayurveda docters
